Love Sandwiches? Try This Simple Corn Sandwich For An Exotic Weekend Brunch

The weekend is all about waking up late, preparing a delicious meal, and enjoying a laid-back brunch with your loved ones over some chat or a series. Sounds like a perfect Sunday plan, doesn’t it? If you’re anything like us, you love whipping up quick meals without compromising on flavors – and there’s nothing better than a sandwich for such situations. With that in mind, we’ve got a delicious sandwich recipe that is wholesome, flavorful, and super easy to make at home. You can literally whip it up in less than 15 minutes. It’s the classic spinach corn sandwich with a layer of cheesy goodness. Indulgent, indeed!

What Makes The Sandwich A Popular Food Across The Globe?

Sandwiches are universally popular for all the right reasons. They are easy to make, require no extra cooking skills, and you can get as creative as you want with the sandwich recipe. There are countless options worldwide, many of which are not even listed on the internet or in any cookbook. This means there’s no limit to your experimentation – you can literally throw in anything and everything between two slices of bread and enjoy. And the best part is, a sandwich is fulfilling to the core.
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Is The Spinach Cheese Corn Sandwich Considered Healthy?

Both spinach and corn contain fiber, protein, and various essential vitamins and minerals, making them some of the most sought-after vegetables in the world. However, cheese comes with its own share of controversies. While some consider it a good source of energy, others term it as a culprit for weight gain. Considering the fact that cheese is a good source of calcium, antioxidants, and essential minerals, we say one can have it in moderation to enjoy both taste and nutrients without any major side effects. Moreover, it’s the weekend, which means some indulgence won’t do much harm.

How To Make A Spinach Corn Cheese Sandwich?

We’ve got a recipe shared by Chef Guntas Sethi on her Instagram handle. She explains how to prepare a filling using spinach, corn, cheese, garlic, salt, and chili flakes. You can use some flour to add texture to the cheese sauce. Once done, fill it between two slices of bread, spread butter on top of both slices, and grill well until it turns crispy. Serve it hot to avoid sogginess. And if you want to make it healthier, you can always substitute the cheese with some malai paneer.
Also Read: Go Desi This Weekend With Grilled Aloo Sandwich – Recipe Inside
Watch the Detailed Recipe Below:

Prepare this delicious spinach corn cheese sandwich this weekend and treat your family to something extra special.

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