Jodhpur Man Marries Pakistani Woman: Awaiting visa, Jodhpur-Karachi wedding sealed online | Jodhpur News – Times of India

JODHPUR: Pakistan’s Seema Haider sneaked into India without a visa to marry Noida’s Sachin Meena. Karachi’s Ameena was facing delays in her Indian visa but that couldn’t stop her from tying the knot with Jodhpur’s Mohammad Arbaz — virtually.

Last week’s wedding of Jodhpur advocate Arbaz with Ameena, though different from the traditional nuptials, had it all — qazis to solemnise the union and cheering families, all beamed on larger-than-life LED screens in the Rajasthan town and the Pakistani port city.
But the Arbaz-Ameena wedding on August 2 was free from controversies. “We had the ‘roka (engagement)’ ceremony earlier through our relatives in Pakistan and had been waiting for a visa (for Ameena). Since the visa process was delayed, we decided to solemnise the wedding online,” said the groom’s father Mohammad Afzal, a civil contractor in Jodhpur.

According to Afzal, the strained relations with Pakistan have not greatly affected cross-border marital bonds as people have relatives on both sides. “Now we will wait for Ameena’s visa. It should be easier as the wedding has been solemnised,” said Arbaz.

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