Exclusive – Juhi Parmar on her post criticizing Barbie for its ‘inappropriate content’, says ‘Social media for me is a place to share opinions and not just sing and dance’ – Times of India

Actress Juhi Parmar, who is known to call a spade a spade is a single mother who has been quite vocal on her opinions when it comes to being a woman, single parenting and many such topics. The actress recently has been all over the media about her opinion regarding Barbie movie to which some have supported her and others may not have agreed.

Juhi speaking about the same to ETimes TV said: “Social Media has given us a way to connect to our audience regardless of geographic boundaries which is wonderful.

And, while I use the platform traditionally to entertain my audience, there’s a lot more I have been doing and want to do.Social media for me is a place to share opinions and not just sing and dance.”
Speaking about the recent incident where Juhi put out an open letter regarding the film Barbie she says, “It takes a lot of courage to own up to one’s mistake publicly on social media. However, I am someone who doesn’t shy away from saying hey I made a mistake and hence I did tell my audience that I took my child for a Pg-13 movie not knowing that it was one. It all stemmed from the fact that I, like many mothers, was never expecting any inappropriate content in the movie to begin with because barbie dolls, doll houses, are things children play with and even in their marketing are sold targeting children. Young girls are the main users. And when a film comes out it’s not meant for them. Why? I am not criticizing the film on it being good or bad rather questioning why make a film and exclude kids from it when they are your main target for all your merchandising and everything.”
Ask her about the backlash that came when she spoke and Juhi says, “It’s easy to go with the tide but I don’t think having an opinion is wrong, and if you are entitled to yours then why am I not entitled to mine? We live in a democratic country and everyone has a right to voice their opinion. I don’t lash at them when they share theirs then why do that to me or anyone else? Because I’m a celebrity when I share my opinion, I’m called names. My motherhood, my parenting, my acting career, my work, my family are all being judged and in fact being called names just because I have an Opinion! How is that fair? There are some who even have gone to the extent of claiming that I am sharing an opinion to stay in the news. My question is when I have done anything to stay in the news? A majority of the time I choose to speak about my work or my single parenting journey and have never been someone who seeks out attention. My social media is just a platform where I want to connect with my audience, share my journey of being a single mother and opinions on various topics that relate to me. My audience is not the 17 year old but rather when I’m sharing thoughts they are for the other parents and mothers who also may be facing similar challenges.”
Ask her if there are days she gets bogged down by the negativity on social media and Juhi says, “Of course it’s challenging. However, I bounce back up and in fact the biggest learning from all of this is to teach my child that remember even if you are against the tide, stand by what you believe in and don’t be afraid to voice your opinion. One doesn’t have to be a part of the herd and go along with it, if your heart is elsewhere!”
Juhi’s recent celebration of Kumkum, her iconic show, which completed 21 years went viral on social media as she came together with her co-star Hussain to bring back the nostalgia to her fans. The actress recently made her OTT Debut and was last seen on television in Hamari Wali Good News.

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