Attack On Tura Mini-secretariat To Harm, Murder Cm: Meghalaya Dgp | Guwahati News – Times of India

GUWAHATI: A day after a mob of over 300 people attacked the mini-secretariat in Tura where CM Conrad Sangma was holding a meeting, Meghalaya DGP LR Bishnoi on Tuesday said it was a conspiracy to harm the CM, including a bid on his life.

“The police have found much evidence that indicates that the attack was a pre-planned conspiracy to cause physical damage to the CM. Police have also found proof that money and liquor were distributed among the youths on Sunday to stir violence at the mini secretariat. We cannot name who distributed those, but have solid evidence,” Bishnoi said.
On Monday, the mob hurled stones at the mini secretariat around 6 pm while the CM was holding talks with the members of the Achik Conscious Holistically Integrated Krima over their demand of declaring Tura as Meghalaya’s ‘winter capital’ and to review the state’s job reservation policy.

He added that police have recovered plastic cans filled with kerosene, match boxes, lighters and stones on the spot during the investigation.
“Moreover, inciting speeches were delivered on the spot before the incident, where the CM was abused and threatened. The speakers provoked the crowd to cause physical damage to the CM and they even insisted that they can take extreme steps such as murder. These acts of the violent youths indicate that it was a pre-planned conspiracy,” the DGP said.
Bishnoi added that the police had maintained restraint for hours even after knowing that the unruly crowd was causing damage and did not decide to openi fire in order to avoid casualties of other peaceful youths present on the spot.
He said the district police failed to gather intelligence. “There should have been robust inputs. The violence was pre-planned and very secret. The unruly mob did not gather at the spot suddenly, where a peaceful demonstration was already being held for the last several days. The violent youths gathered there in small groups of two or three, so that nobody would suspect them,” he added.

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